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Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Identifying Extramarital Activity Online.

Cheating these days amongst married couples is atrocious. Statistics suggest that 60%of men and 40% of women will engage in an extramarital affair during their marriage, and internet-specific studies suggest that illicit online activities by married individuals are far more prevalent than physical affairs. All of these statistics suggest that extramarital affairs are far too common, and that online affairs, or inappropriate relationships online, are exceptionally problematic for those who hope to maintain an infidelity-free marriage. Because infidelity is such a real possibility -- in any marriage -- and especially online, you need a way to investigate your spouse's online activity without arousing their suspicions. So, how can you do that?

How to prove extramarital infidelity

You have that feeling in your gut -- your spouse is engaged in extramarital activity. However, this isn't enough to prove that your spouse is cheating on you. Quite frankly, even if your spouse is exuding several signs that they are cheating on you -- they change their appearance, they spend more time at work and less time at home, their attitude towards you changes, or any of the other signs of a cheating spouse -- these traits alone are not proof. These signs probably brought you here, to this article, but they are not enough for you to be able to say, definitively, that your spouse is engaged in some kind of extramarital activity.

The best way to prove extramarital infidelity is by catching your cheating spouse in the act, so to speak. Now, this doesn't mean that you need to hire an investigative firm like on the Cheaters TV show to create video proof of an affair -- in some cases, extramarital infidelity isn't physical, at least yet. Because the internet is at least the starting point of so many instances of extramarital infidelity, the best place to start your search for extramarital activity is online.

Using the internet to prove extramarital infidelity

There are internet-based investigation services that specialize in identifying extramarital activity online, and these types of services tend to return exceptional results for their online infidelity investigations. Online private investigators (PIs) are much like the hiding-in-the-bushes investigators that people generally think of, but instead of relying on footwork and physical investigations, their toolset is digital, and they investigate activity online.

These digital investigation services find websites that your spouse uses to engage in their extramarital activity. Once identified, then you will have the proof you need to confront your spouse about their adulterous activity.

Cheating is far too prevalent for you to dismiss your gut feeling, especially if you're seeing signs that your spouse may be cheating on you. In these cases, if you can't find the proof on your own, it's time to find an online investigator to help you gather the proof you need to confront your spouse on your suspicions.

If you think that your spouse is cheating on you, provides online infidelity investigations to help you catch a cheater. Visit's review page for more information on their services.

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